Substrates and the Selling of #Printing

Here is an email I received from a great printing executive and legendary nonprofit fundraiser, Frank Regnante. He is one a number of pros who have urged me to write more about the importance of substrates in the selling of print. I completely agree.

May I suggest in future articles you stress the importance that printing salespeople have a comprehensive understanding of paper stock.

Paper is the single largest cost item of a printing order.  In most cases, paper is more costly than press time!  The cost of paper may be 40-50% of the quotation.

The knowledge of paper may take the job order out of competition for the salesman.  For example, knowledge can improve the quality of the piece, while also save money on postage for the customer.

Paper samples are available to support alternative sales suggestions from paper suppliers.  Developing relationships with paper suppliers is the quickest way to learn about printing papers.  For example:
  • Availability - sheet size
  • Announcement of new paper lines
  • Finishes, color
  • Paper weights and opacity
  • Costs
  • Samples
There may even be paper courses offered by printing organizations or paper merchants.  I recall this was the way I was introduced to the "World of Paper."

 Frank Regnante